Friday, October 23, 2015

First Post and High Hopes

Hello everyone, if anyone is out there! This is my first and hopefully only lasting attempt at a book blog. In this post, I'd like to talk a little about myself, why I started this blog, and where I would like to see it go.

My name is Kristie, and I am currently a graduate student studying English. My Bachelor's is in English with secondary teaching certification, and I currently have a teaching license which I hope to use once I earn my Master's. I've always been a big reader. As was the case for many people my age, my love of reader was jumpstarted by the Harry Potter series. My favorite genre is fantasy, and I will read practically any age level in that genre.

I am currently in a class titled "Viewing and Reviewing Youth Literature." I have always been interested and intrigued by the world of book reviewing. Getting to read free books people send you to recommend to others? That sounds great! But I never really knew how to get into reviewing. Luckily, I have been learning so much in this class and really enjoy writing reviews, and I can see reviewing as something I would like to continue (as a hobby). For now, I will mainly review books I already own (whether I have or have not read them yet) or books from the library. Eventually, I would love to get to the point where publishers and authors send me books and I actually have a reason to write a review policy for this blog. Until then, I still have plenty of books to keep me busy!

As the semester rolls on, I plan on adding some of my already created reviews on this blog. It is my hope that through this page, I will also become a better writer and critical thinker as I get more adept at reviewing books.

I suppose that is all for now! See you in the next post.